PHP8 —— New String Helpers

新增了三个字符串函数,str_starts_with, str_ends_with, str_contains, PHP 的函数这么方便,很难想象竟然一直没有这几个。 str_starts_with 判断字符串是否以另一个字符串开头,在PHP7以及之前 $id = 'inv_abcdefgh'; $result = strpos($id, 'inv_') === 0; var_dump($result); // true PHP8 中可以直接这么写 $result = str_starts_with($id, 'inv_'); str_ends_with 判断字符串是否以另外一个字符串结尾,在 PHP7 及之前,比较麻烦,通常是这么写 $id = 'abcd_inv'; $result = strpos(strrev($id), strrev('_inv')) === 0; 或者 $result = substr($id, -1 * strlen('_inv')) === '_inv'; 或者上正则吧 $result = preg_match('/_inv$/', $id) === 1; 看起来都是比较麻烦的。PHP8 里面可以简化成下面这样了 $id = 'abcd_inv'; $result = str_ends_with($id, '_ind'); str_contains 字符串包含,PHP8 之前一般就是 strpos 来实现了 $url = 'https://example?for=bar'; $result = strpos($url, '?') !== FALSE; PHP8 就直接一点 $result = str_contains($url, '?');

Global functions and vars in Vue components system

There are several ways in Vue to manage global var and function in the component system:
1. Put all functions and vars in a js file like ‘helper.js’, and import this file in components where we need these functions and vars. It’s a very clear way because we can see directly where the functions and vars are from.
2. Add the function or var to Vue.prototype, like Vue.prototype.$myfunciotn = ... , and then we can use it in component by calling this.$myfunction()
3. Of course we can use Vue Plugins to inject these functions and vars. The official document is here.
MyPlugin.install = function (Vue, options) {
  // 1. add global method or property
  Vue.myGlobalMethod = function () {
    // something logic ...
  // 2. add a global asset
  Vue.directive('my-directive', {
    bind (el, binding, vnode, oldVnode) {
      // something logic ...
  // 3. inject some component options
    created: function () {
      // something logic ...
  // 4. add an instance method
  Vue.prototype.$myMethod = function (options) {
    // something logic ...
We can then call Vue.use() to use this plugin
// calls `MyPlugin.install(Vue)`



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