PHP8 —— New String Helpers

新增了三个字符串函数,str_starts_with, str_ends_with, str_contains, PHP 的函数这么方便,很难想象竟然一直没有这几个。 str_starts_with 判断字符串是否以另一个字符串开头,在PHP7以及之前 $id = 'inv_abcdefgh'; $result = strpos($id, 'inv_') === 0; var_dump($result); // true PHP8 中可以直接这么写 $result = str_starts_with($id, 'inv_'); str_ends_with 判断字符串是否以另外一个字符串结尾,在 PHP7 及之前,比较麻烦,通常是这么写 $id = 'abcd_inv'; $result = strpos(strrev($id), strrev('_inv')) === 0; 或者 $result = substr($id, -1 * strlen('_inv')) === '_inv'; 或者上正则吧 $result = preg_match('/_inv$/', $id) === 1; 看起来都是比较麻烦的。PHP8 里面可以简化成下面这样了 $id = 'abcd_inv'; $result = str_ends_with($id, '_ind'); str_contains 字符串包含,PHP8 之前一般就是 strpos 来实现了 $url = 'https://example?for=bar'; $result = strpos($url, '?') !== FALSE; PHP8 就直接一点 $result = str_contains($url, '?');

Turtle Geometry Tutorial 1

We have a little turtle who holds a pen, on our display screen. The turtle can respond to some commands: FORWARD, BACK, RIGHT and LEFT.
* FORWARD 100 : The turtle will move 100 step on the screen, in the direction it is facing.
* RIGHT 100: The turtle will turn its head 90° clockwise in place.
Repeating the commands above 4 times will get us a square with side 100 units long.
turtle draw a square in ucbLogo program
We can rewrite the commands use repeat loop, as
This will give us the same square as before.
At the next step we’ll teach our little turtle some new command, here we add square to the its vocabulary.
then we can use this new square command to draw the same square.
Here comes some thing interesting:
enter image description here
enter image description here
OK, that is all for today. Happy painting!



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